An unprecedented humanitarian disaster...continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip

An unprecedented humanitarian disaster...continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip

At the beginning of the tenth day of the war, the occupation army committed massacres against civilians, as the occupation continued the intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip, targeting civilians on a large scale, bringing the number of martyrs to 2,670, and the wounded to 9,600, in addition to hundreds of people missing under the rubble, while the resistance responded by bombing the Israeli depth, It confirmed its readiness to confront any ground invasion.

While the occupation army continues to mobilize its forces and prepare for a possible ground military operation in the Gaza Strip, the number of displaced people inside the Gaza Strip has risen to one million, amid international accusations that the occupation is practicing ethnic cleansing against the residents of Gaza.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden told CBS that it is wrong for Israel to occupy the Gaza Strip again.

The situation in the Gaza Strip is witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, as the United Nations Population Fund in Palestine revealed that there are 50,000 pregnant women in the Gaza Strip who cannot obtain basic health services.

According to UNRWA, Gazans are drinking contaminated water due to the water shortage in the Strip, and drinking water supply stations are out of service.

A quarter of the population of the Gaza Strip has become homeless after they were forcibly displaced from their homes under bombing and raids. They are distributed among shelter centers and with family and relatives.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that fuel reserves in all hospitals in the Gaza Strip are expected to last only about 24 hours.

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lynn Hastings, warned of the seriousness of the unprecedented “inhumane” situation in Gaza and the running out of basic supplies.

UNRWA: “Gaza residents are drinking contaminated water due to the water shortage in the Strip, and drinking water supply stations are out of service.”