An Israeli campaign of arrests affects 30 Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem

An Israeli campaign of arrests affects 30 Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation forces arrested, at dawn today, Wednesday, 30 Palestinian citizens, after they raided and searched their homes and tampered with their contents in separate areas in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

In its statement to the media, the occupation army stated that its soldiers had arrested a number of Palestinians in the West Bank, who were transferred to the security services for investigation under the pretext of participating in popular resistance actions against the occupation forces and settlers.

In Nablus (the northern occupied West Bank), the occupation forces re-arrested each of the freed prisoner Oudeh Sabih Hamayel from the town of Beita (southeast of the city, the freed prisoner Bashir Ziada from the town of Madama, and the freed prisoner Amr Rayhan from the town of Tal, south of Nablus. " .

In Jenin (north), the occupation forces arrested Abdullah Abu al-Rub, Hassan Jaradat and Mahmoud Hassan Abu al-Hassan from Jenin, and Ibrahim Suleiman Abu Amer from Tubas (north).

And in Ramallah (center), the occupation army arrested Shuja Jaber Darwish and Jalal Al-Khatib.

The army arrested 7 Palestinians from the town of "Bani Na`im", east of Hebron (south), including 6 brothers, they are: Fadi Mahmoud Al-Khadour, and his brothers Muhammad, Mustafa, Abdullah, Yusef, and Khalil, in addition to Khaled Mustafa Al-Khadour, in addition to the arrest of Ezz Al-Din Ibrahim Mansiah. Muhammad Yassin Hassan is forgotten from the town of Dhahriya, south of Hebron.

In occupied Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested Muhammad Ayed Ramia, Husam Sanad Al-Shawamrah from the town of Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem, Anan Abu Khdeir, Saif Abu Khudair, Muhammad Abu Khudair, Hakim Abu Khudair from the town of Shuafat, Ali Dweik, Bilal Al-Jabari, Yazan Al-Husseini, and Nabil Shreteh From Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and Omar Shweiki from Al-Thawri neighborhood in the town of Silwan.