An investigation in New York after finding dozens of bodies inside trucks

An investigation in New York after finding dozens of bodies inside trucks

New York authorities have opened an investigation into a dead burial establishment in Brooklyn, after police found dozens of decomposing bodies piled in trucks.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, New York - the city most affected by the virus with more than 17,000 confirmed or probable deaths - has witnessed many sad stories, with multiple testimonies from managers of burial institutions, as well as the presence of refrigerated trucks throughout the city from In order to help tackle the issue of overstock.

On Wednesday, dozens of bodies - as many as 60 according to US media - were found in trucks in front of the Andrew Clicle Foundation for a burial located on a major street in Brooklyn.

A spokesperson for the New York Police said that the police were informed about by passers-by who smelled unpleasant. The police realized the scale of the disaster upon its arrival.

"We are investigating this mortuary," said Howard Zucker, director of health services responsible for regulating these institutions in New York State.

He pointed out that this institution has not experienced any complaints in the past.

For his part, the mayor of New York, Bill de Palacio, described the situation as "appalling" and "totally unacceptable." He said, "The institutions for burying the dead are private companies, and they must treat people with dignity (...) and I do not know how they could allow such an order to happen."