A Japanese aquarium invites the public to speak with its fish via video

A Japanese aquarium invites the public to speak with its fish via video

A Japanese fish tank, currently closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic, devised an innovative solution to re-habitating its aquatic animals to humans, as it called on its public compilers to send videos showing them they were talking remotely.

The Sumida Aquarium in the Tokyo Sky Tower, a huge tower in the Japanese capital, is still closed to the public due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, which led to some species showing human fear.

"The creatures in the basin no longer see human beings except for the guards, and they are beginning to forget their presence," he wrote on his Twitter account.

The pelvis indicated that "eel fish are hidden in the sand whenever they see the guards passing by," which poses a problem in following up their health status.

These small fish live in sandy hills and are naturally afraid of other creatures. However, the nearly 300 eels in the Sumida Aquarium were accustomed to visitors and were rarely avoided.

This situation prompted the Japanese Aquarium to organize a "face festival" by requesting the public to send home videos to eels through mobile applications.

Five tablets will be placed in front of the eel aquarium to broadcast the videos in front of it. Participants in this process were called upon to show their faces, make movements in front of the fish, and speak to them in a subtle voice, not to frighten them.

This "festival" takes place between May 3 and 5, coinciding with the "Golden Week", a holiday during which the Japanese usually travel, but this year they are invited to spend it at home due to the state of emergency in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic.