America warns Britain against using "Huawei" products in 5G networks

America warns Britain against using "Huawei" products in 5G networks

US National Security Adviser Robert O´Brien said the White House had informed the British government that the use of Chinese Huawei technology in building fifth generation telecommunications networks would pose a threat to the secrets of British intelligence services.

O´Brien was quoted by the British Financial Times newspaper as saying that any decision that would allow Huawei to participate in building the fifth generation telecommunications networks would give the Chinese Communist Party the opportunity to access the "most private" details of the citizen in Britain.

O´Brien added that China is still stealing secrets, noting that Britain´s view of the Huawei issue as a "commercial decision to some degree" is shocking, because the fifth-generation network is a matter of national security.

The Bloomberg News pointed out that Abrin´s warning to Britain represented an escalation of American pressure on Britain to persuade it to impose a complete ban on Huawei.