America is organizing a military exercise in Mauritania to fight terrorism

America is organizing a military exercise in Mauritania to fight terrorism

US Undersecretary of State David Hill revealed today, Wednesday, that his country will soon organize a Flintlock 2020 exercise in Mauritania to support the capabilities of African armies to defeat terrorism and cross-border crime.

Hill said, in a press statement today after his meeting with the Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El-Ghazwani today, that "the military training Flintlock enhances our ability to work with our allies in the Sahel to counter the growing threat and extremism, we express our gratitude to Mauritania for hosting the Flintlock training this year."

The exercise will be held on February 18 in Adrar Governorate, in northern Mauritania, and the armies of Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad will participate.

The US official added that he was "concerned about the increasing instability in the coast, affirming America´s commitment to its partners in this vital region."

He praised the "peaceful, historic, democratic transition that took place last year from one elected president to another elected", saying: "This transition is a prominent example of other democracies in Africa and the Arab world."

Hill encouraged the ambitious reform program of the Mauritanian government and its focus on improving the lives of all Mauritanians, praising the open dialogue between the governments of the two countries on fundamental human rights issues, praising the government´s cooperation with civil society to strengthen the fight against human trafficking.

He affirmed Washington´s support for the efforts made by Mauritania and other countries in the region at the bilateral level and through the Sahel Five Group to enhance security and economic development in the region.

Hill had discussions with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians abroad, Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed, centered on bilateral and regional cooperation files, foremost of which is fighting terrorism in the Sahel region, strengthening the state of law, and respecting human rights and freedoms.

David Hill is the most senior US official to visit Mauritania since the election of the President.