America attacks China during World Trade Organization session

America attacks China during World Trade Organization session

Washington _ Agencies

The United States of America used a session of the World Trade Organization (WTO) devoted to discussing its trade policy to attack China on Monday.

The focus is on the United States this week as part of the review of the Member States by the Regular Trade Organization (WTO), amid mounting international concerns about the punitive fees it imposes.

US Ambassador to the organization Danis Xia said during the review session that his country is not protectionism, but only defends itself to countries like China.

"China´s actions are not aligned with the openness and market orientation of other countries in the organization, and they contradict the Organization´s fundamental principles and conventions," he said.

He explained that Beijing is illegally helping its industries by creating exaggerated industrial energy, while discriminating against foreign companies by forcing them to share technological expertise with China.

On the other hand, America imposes lower fees than the rest of its trading partners, Xia said.

The ambassador did not mention the US charges levied on Chinese goods worth $250 billion, as a punishment for Beijing for alleged unfair trade practices such as intellectual property theft and lobbying for the sharing of technological knowledge.

China has responded to us fees by imposing US $110 billion in American merchandise charges.