“House detention” for a Jerusalemite child who expressed his hatred for the occupation

“House detention” for a Jerusalemite child who expressed his hatred for the occupation

The occupation police imposed a house arrest sentence on the Jerusalemite child Uday Amin Abbasi from the town of Silwan after he was arrested with his father yesterday.
It is noteworthy that the occupation imposed a five-day house detention on the 12-year-old Uday Abbasi, after he was interrogated by the occupation police and accused of throwing stones while he was playing with the neighborhood’s residents. They are occupying my country.” The interrogator fell silent without comment, according to the boy’s father.
It is noteworthy that the occupation police arrest Jerusalem children on a daily basis, bring them to military courts, subject them to investigation, intimidate them and shout at them with the aim of extracting confessions from them.