Abu Diab: 720 Jerusalemites are threatened with deportation from the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood

Abu Diab: 720 Jerusalemites are threatened with deportation from the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood

A member of the Defense Committee for the people of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem, Fakhri Abu Diab, said today, Monday, that the increasing frequency of occupation attacks and his attempt to control the town of Silwan through the distribution of notifications and orders for demolition, aimed at removing the Jerusalemites (first line of defense) On the old town, by controlling the southern side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Abu Diab indicated in an interview with the official Voice of Palestine radio today that 720 Jerusalemites are threatened with deportation due to the decisions to demolish 112 homes in the belly of passion in the center of Silwan, warning that this will be the beginning of collective expulsion and forced displacement to prepare the area for the century deal and the new facts it will impose on Holy city.