120 arrests of Jerusalemites since the beginning of the year

120 arrests of Jerusalemites since the beginning of the year

The Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies confirmed that since the beginning of this year, the occupation authorities have stepped up arrest, summons and deportation campaigns against Jerusalemites, as the center has monitored (120) cases of detention targeting Jerusalemite youths, children and women.

The media spokesman of the researcher center, Riyad Al-Ashqar, considered in a press statement today, Monday, the escalation of the occupation from the operations of abuse and arrest against the Jerusalemites aimed at pushing them to emigrate and leave the holy city of the occupation, and breaking the thorns of the Jerusalemites, and forcing them to accept the de facto situation and the occupation dominated Jerusalem and considered it as its capital.

Al-Ashqar said that since the beginning of the year, the occupation has not stopped practicing arrests and summonses, and issuing orders to deport the city from one time and the Al-Aqsa Mosque at another time. Al-Aqsa Mosque, he added, "The arrests affected all children, women, journalist leaders and activists, where (21) cases of detention of minors were monitored, in addition to (7) women, the majority of whom were arrested from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, including Mrs. Suzan al-Mubaid, (50 years), from the town of Abu Dis." Under the pretext of trying to carry out an appeal And the teacher, Hanadi Al-Halawani, and the girl, Aya Abu Nab, after the beating of her, and Mrs. Sana Al-Rajabi, who is the mother of the prisoner, Ammar Al-Rajabi, in addition to the girl, Aseel Eid.

Al-Ashqar explained that all the young men and women who were summoned to meet the intelligence in the police stations located around Jerusalem or in Al-Muskubiyya, all orders were issued to remove them from the Al-Aqsa Mosque for various periods or the entire Jerusalem, where the deportation decisions reached more than (60) decisions since The beginning of the year, including journalists "Abdul Karim Darwish" and "Amjad Arafa" for the Al-Aqsa Mosque for ten days.

The occupation also targeted national and official figures, as the occupation forces arrested the secretary of the Fatah movement in the Issawiya area, "Yasser Darwish", and summoned the secretary of the Fatah movement in Jerusalem, "Shadi Al-Mutawarir", as well as a member of the leadership of the Jerusalem region, "Awad Al Salaymeh."

Al-Ashqar added that the occupation, and within its repressive measures to empty Jerusalem and intimidate its residents, received dozens of Jerusalemite youths text messages on their mobile phones originating from the intelligence of the occupation threatening them and warning them against carrying out any protest actions during the prayers, especially Friday prayers.

In addition to the many arbitrary and repressive measures practiced by the occupation authorities to deter Jerusalemites, most notably the imposition of nightly house confinement on many young men on the pretext of "their participation in the confrontations and their danger to security, especially from the village of Al-Issawiya, which has been the largest share of arrests and summonses."

Likewise, imposing fines on the detainees in exchange for their release, and preventing the parents "of young men and children" from sitting in front of their homes at night without any reason, and if they refuse to call them rubber bullets and gas bombs, the families also complained about installing new surveillance cameras of the occupation police directly in front of the windows of their homes And violating their privacy.

And called "prisoners of Palestine" international intervention to protect the people of Jerusalem from the continued attacks of the occupation and its desperate attempts to empty the city of its Palestinian residents, and the imposition of many measures of racial abuse