A teacher from Gaza wins an award among the top 100 international teachers

A teacher from Gaza wins an award among the top 100 international teachers

Teacher Eman Al-Burai from the Gaza Strip won an award among the 100 best international teachers from the International Green Thinker Foundation in India, who is interested in international education.

Iman works as an English language teacher at Al Falouja Governmental Secondary School, North Gaza Education Directorate. According to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the Gaza Strip.

And she was able to win this title and global coronation because she has a proven record of excellence and local and international awards, as she won the Distinguished Teacher Award at the level of the Ministry of Education in 2014, an expert teacher within Microsoft Corporation 2020, a Microsoft Certified Master Trainer, and the Palestine Ambassador to the two educational platforms of Wicklet and Banse. , Nirpod and Philip Journal certified teacher and book maker, and the Student Voice Ambassador SVA title.

Earlier, she obtained a certificate of excellence from the Europe CodeWeek platform, and her activities and the activities of her students witnessed the emergence of Palestine on the map of the contestants and the competition sites, and the location of her school, Al-Fallujah, and the city of Jabalia appeared on the global map as part of the contest.

The teacher, Iman, classifies the initiatives as she implemented the technology initiative that brings us together, and was the first to implement a participatory session via Skype in the classroom with other classes from the West Bank and the Arab and European world.

She founded the Arab Twitter Initiative, an initiative in the Arab world in which she brought together many educators and students from several countries, and her students participated in this enjoyable educational atmosphere.

It also established an online training initiative that it started before the Corona pandemic, which included training teachers from the West Bank and Gaza, then different classes of educational staff from Arab countries on electronic teaching methods and distance education, and many training meetings were held online.

Teacher Iman implemented the Facebook Classroom initiative to activate social media platforms to communicate with students outside school hours by preparing online competitions, providing reviews of the curriculum, and employing technological applications such as quizlet and Quizzes.

She was chosen as an ambassador for many Arab initiatives, such as the Digital Empowerment Initiative in Egypt, the Libyan Salon Initiative, and others.

Among her works, she coordinated a live broadcast day on YouTube through the Bensei platform, and it was the first of its kind to allocate a live broadcast day to the Arab world by a foreign platform, and this platform is located in New York, where Palestinian teachers and students were hosted and the Palestinian flag was raised at the meeting.

Teacher Iman, in agreement with the Bensei platform, created a website for her school, granted free accounts to school teachers and students, linked accounts to the Google Classroom website, and established an online English language club.

Among the activities, she created a virtual classroom in which she gathered many students from several countries to train them to use the platforms, and the students participated with her in the training meetings that she held with other countries, and a group of her students also got last year an ambassador for the Wicklet platform specialized in educational affairs.

The teacher, Iman, is active in distance education, where she uses many methods, including Skype, Swap, Nirpod, and virtual classes, and created a YouTube channel before the Corona pandemic, and she recorded and uploaded videos explaining the curriculum as students in the West Bank and Gaza benefit from them and all those interested during face education or education Remotely.

It also prepared an enrichment material for the twelfth grade with QR technology, and a special material for outstanding students and participation in the global monthly event on Twitter, where teachers from all over the world meet to discuss a specific educational topic.

Teacher Iman participated with her students in the global project “the young journalist” in Austria, by writing and publishing articles and photos telling about Palestine, and this project was attended by 15 schools from 9 countries around the world.

Among its initiatives, the use of the Internet and modern applications to break the siege in order to communicate with the outside world and teach its students the English language, so technology was the main part of its initiative as it used the application of Kahoot, Skype, Zoom and Messenger.

Teacher Iman implemented the My Teaching Cards Make Nothing Hard initiative, which includes the application of many modern educational strategies, especially active learning strategies and many educational games in teaching.