A sit-in in front of the Brazilian representation in Ramallah demanding that it retract its arms deal with Israel

A sit-in in front of the Brazilian representation in Ramallah demanding that it retract its arms deal with Israel

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

On Tuesday, dozens of citizens gathered outside the Brazilian Embassy in Ramallah to organize a call by national and popular forces and activists in the province to demand that Brazil withdraw its arms deal with Israel.

The participants in the sit-in rallied slogans calling on the Brazilian government to back down on the arms deal. Representatives of local forces and activists and local campaigners held slogans in Arabic and Portuguese calling for a boycott of the occupying state.

The coordinator of national and Islamic forces in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh province Issam Baker read a message from the Palestinian people to the Brazilian government.

The letter said: "We were here on the seventh of last October, rejecting the statements made by President Javier Paulsonaro on the eve of his victory in the elections on his intention to transfer the Brazilian embassy to occupied Jerusalem, which we viewed as very serious at the time, and represent a departure from international norms and conventions and exceeded Of the international law which considers Jerusalem as the rest of the Palestinian territories occupied territories, and even considered a clear abandonment of the position and US policies aligned to the occupation and partner in the open war on our people and all human and moral values.

"We stand again with a new title concerning further deepening of the relationship and alliance between the conservative right of the Brazilian and the extreme right of the occupation led by Netanyahu, specifically new deals in the field of military and purchase of drones and other weapons worth hundreds of millions of dollars, which is a dangerous development, And the growing trade relations between Brazil and Israel, which reflect the new president´s approach to developing this relationship at the expense of our people´s national rights and international principles and charters. "

She expressed her hope that this abortive deal would be stopped for the history of Brazil itself, and to review this position, which should take sides with oppressed peoples, reject injustice and exploitation, instead of cutting off relations with the occupying state, terrorism and racist regime against our people. Used to kill children and women in the West Bank, Gaza and all our land. The clear declaration by you on the cancellation of this deal and other commercial transactions will strengthen relations with our Arab people and peoples, and free the world and represents a bold position that rejects the forms of injustice and racism that it is subjected to The Palestinian people who defend their land and their right to life as the rest of the peoples of the earth in their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and its right to return, self-determination and freedom. "

The forces and the protesters went to greet the Brazilian people, their labor unions and the leftist and progressive parties that have heard their voices rejecting this relationship with the occupying state, calling on them to do more in order to bring down this dangerous trend, which is fundamentally damaging to Brazil itself and damaging its reputation in the world. Between our two countries and our peoples in the interest of common interests and on the basis of mutual respect and in accordance with the principles of international law and international relations.