A demonstration in Berlin against the Turkish attack in Syria

A demonstration in Berlin against the Turkish attack in Syria

The German capital witnessed on Saturday, again a demonstration in which a crowd of citizens protested against the entry of the Turkish army to northern Syria.

The demonstration was held under the slogan "Stop the war, solidarity with the self-administration of northern and eastern Syria", and according to the organizers and support groups, at least 2,000 people participated.

In contrast, the police estimated the number of participants in the demonstration at 1,000 people, the same number recorded by the owners of their participation in the demonstration.

The demonstration saw several flags raised to Kurdish organizations, and demonstrators displayed a cardboard tank carrying a puppet carrying the image of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to remind the German arms supplies to Turkey, a controversial subject.

The police had previously reserved several things that could be used to infringe on others as well as a knife. Police had temporarily arrested five people.

There have been no violent quarrels or encroachments on the demonstration so far.