3 states and an American city join California to sue Trump´s new immigration policy

3 states and an American city join California to sue Trump´s new immigration policy

 California on Friday led an alliance of five US state prosecutors and a city to sue a new immigration policy set by the Trump administration to block permanent immigrants receiving some federal subsidies.

Bicera, California´s attorney general, joined his counterparts from Maine, Oregon and Pennsylvania, as well as Colombia, to challenge Trump´s decision to bar immigrants from legal status if they use food and medical subsidies from the federal government.

The new policy, also known as the Department of Homeland Security´s general duty rule, targets working immigrants and their families by creating new unnecessary barriers to legal entry into the United States, Besera said in a lawsuit filed in the US District Court for Northern California.

"This rule prevents qualified, hard-working migrants and their families from accessing essential health care, nutrition and housing programs that complement their low wages and help them cover their expenses," he said.

The prosecutor stressed that this "harsh policy" will force working parents and their families in the country to abandon basic needs out of fear, which is "totally unacceptable."

"This law will disproportionately prevent the entry of non-white and non-European immigrants from Asia, Latin America and Africa," Becerra said, creating barriers for them to gain US citizenship.

California Governor Gavin Newsom also criticized the US administration´s move as demonizing immigrants and creating fear among immigrant families. "This is cruel and threatens our public health."

"We stand against the Trump administration in court to protect our economy, our families and our most sacred values," Newsom said.

Bicera´s office said California had more than 10 million immigrants and half the children in the state of immigrant parents.

Two California counties took part in another lawsuit this week by 13 states, including Washington, to address Trump´s public tariff rule, which is due to take effect in October.