12 killed in Taliban attack by car bomb in eastern Afghanistan

12 killed in Taliban attack by car bomb in eastern Afghanistan

At least 12 people were killed and more than 100 wounded, including dozens of children, on Sunday in a car bomb attack by the Taliban as peace talks were taking place in Qatar, officials said.

The suicide attack took place in the eastern city of Ghazni and targeted an intelligence unit, a spokesman for Ghazni governor Arif Nuri told AFP.

Health ministry spokesman Waheedullah Mayar said 12 people had been killed.

"179 people, mostly civilians, including children, were wounded." The initial toll was about five dead and 70 injured.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said that the bombing wounded more than fifty children, and at least 150 victims were killed and wounded.

On Twitter, the mission said it "condemns the indiscriminate Taliban attack."

At least 25 children from a nearby school were taken to hospital, many of them injured by shrapnel and serious wounds to the head, neck and chest, the Save the Children said.

"This is simply unacceptable and we urge all armed groups in Afghanistan to think about future generations and to stop killing and maiming innocent children," said Amnesty International Director in Afghanistan Ono Van Manen.

The bombing came days after a massive bomb attack in Kabul targeted a Defense Ministry building and damaged nearby schools and wounded about 50 students.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Taliban insurgents in Doha are holding talks with Afghan officials as the United States seeks to withdraw from Afghanistan and end 18 years of war.

Talks between the LTTE and the United States have been suspended in the Afghan-Afghan conference, which will resume on Tuesday after the two-day conference ends.

The seventh round of talks between the Taliban and the United States is aimed at reaching an agreement that would allow the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

The two sides confirmed significant progress in the talks, which were suspended on Sunday and Monday, while dozens of Afghan political officials held talks in Qatar on Sunday in the framework of the so-called internal dialogue of Afghanistan.