10 Houthis, including a leader, were killed in a Yemeni army attack in Saada

10 Houthis, including a leader, were killed in a Yemeni army attack in Saada

Ten gunmen of the Ansar Allah group, including a leader, were killed on Thursday in an attack by the Yemeni army loyal to President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi in the northern province of Saada.

A brief statement by the Yemeni army, said that "his forces lured a group of armed Houthi elements east of Jabal Shehat, in the front of Baqam in Saada, and surprised by a surprise attack."

He added that "the attack resulted in the death of the group leader Mortada Ali Sharif, known as Abu Tinkel, along with nine elements of Houthi elements."

Saada governorate, the main stronghold of the Houthi group, has been the scene of frequent clashes for years, which left a large number of victims from the Yemeni army and Houthis.