Yemen: More than 1,500 families have been displaced by the conflict in Marib

Yemen: More than 1,500 families have been displaced by the conflict in Marib

The military escalation in the Yemeni governorate of Ma´rib has caused the displacement of more than 1,500 families in the oil province east of Sanaa.

In a statement, the Executive Unit for the Management of Displaced Persons Camps Management in Ma´rib Governorate said that during the period from the sixth to February 21 this year, it tracked the displacement of 1,517 families (1,2005 individuals) from the governorate´s directorates.

The government unit indicated that most of the displaced were displaced from the districts of Ragwan (north) and Sirwah, west of the governorate.

According to the unit, the displaced need shelter, food and drinking water.

The executive unit called "Humanitarian Clusters and Sectors" in Yemen to "urgently intervene to save the lives of thousands of children, women and the elderly."

It also called on the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen to "allocate urgent emergency funds to meet the basic needs of the displaced."

The governorate of Ma´rib is witnessing a military escalation after the Houthis launched intense attacks since the sixth of February to control the governorate, which includes the largest oil and gas fields and hosts about two million displaced people.