Within 3 months ... 62 hate crimes and the destruction of 250 olive trees by settlers

Within 3 months ... 62 hate crimes and the destruction of 250 olive trees by settlers

 A Hebrew Channel 12 report said today, Monday, that within 3 months (from September to December) settlers carried out 62 hate crimes against Palestinians, along with the destruction of 250 Olive Tree.

According to the channel, the official data indicates that there is an increase in the number of crimes committed by settlers in the West Bank against the Palestinians during the current year compared to the previous year.

Among those crimes were 18 violent crimes against olive groves, 5 cases of theft of harvesting equipment, 15 attacks to sabotage and steal the early harvest, and 34 buildings and 130 vehicles were vandalized, indicating that a number of farmers were injured as a result of settlers attacking them during the three months .

She added that last October, Israeli security personnel spotted settlers harvesting olive trees on a private plot of land, and when asked about their behavior, they started screaming and someone tried to steal a cell phone of a security officer to erase the scenes he took with his video, The settler also threatened him with death.