Why are the colors of the pills different?!

Why are the colors of the pills different?!

Gaza _ Agencies

Question as long as many people are in mind. Between the medical needs of these colors and their psychological impact on patients, the following are the results of several studies on the causes of different color pills.

Coloring capsules and pills are of great benefit, as it makes it easier for the patient to take the desired drug and falsehood. There are also medicines whose packaging colors vary according to the dosage of the drug as anticoagulation, which makes blood more liquid and is used in cases of heart disorder. It has three colors, pink (1 mg), Violet (2 mg), and orange (5 mg).

On the other hand, a study conducted by a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland found that a patient with depression prefers to eat blue beans, and that a heart lesion prefers red. Patients are frequently dismissed from high-volume grains. Even weirder, most patients don´t like sparkling grains.

The company has learned from its research that the form of the pill and how the patient responds to it can affect the outcome of the treatment.

This was confirmed by a study published in the International Journal of Anthropology about people´s perception of the different colors and effects of medicines, specifically the pills of medicines that are available in pharmacies and can be obtained without the need for a prescription.

The researchers noted that the majority preferred the red or pink pill, compared to the rest of the colors, and that the color of the drug tablet had three quarters of them a way to remember the drug and ensure that it continued to be eaten.

The researchers also noted that there is a "allure" of red color: The majority of middle-aged and young people, especially females, have stated that they prefer the red-colored medicine when choosing between different colors of a single drug produced by several companies.

The researchers reported that every time a patient has a pill, a state of psychological interaction, which includes sensory expectations and experiences about the shape and color of the drug, may have strong effects on the patient´s perception of the strength and efficacy of therapeutic drug effects. They called for the use of this information, since it is noted that the pharmaceutical community does not attach importance to the issue of therapeutic psychological effects, i.e. in the light of the fact that medical circles are primarily concerned with color; to distinguish a particular drug from the rest of the medicines in order to prevent errors in drug intake or mixing each other.