WHO declares CORONA virus "a global epidemic",

WHO declares CORONA virus "a global epidemic",

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Gipresos said Wednesday that who sees the coronavirus outbreak as an epidemic.

At a press conference, Adhanom expressed WHO´s concern about the outbreak of the virus: "They are very concerned about prevalence levels and levels of inaction (necessary). So we have come to an assessment that Coved-19 (CORONAvirus) can be classified as an epidemic."

On the widespread spread of the virus, who director-general said: "We have never seen a pandemic of coronavirus in the past."

"All countries can still change the course of this epidemic if they detect, examine, treat, isolate, track and mobilize their people in response," he said.

The number of cases outside China had increased by 13, for example, in the last two weeks, he said, expressing WHO´s concern about the rapid spread of the epidemic and not being combated enough.