Who benefits from the attack on the oil tankers in the Gulf?

Who benefits from the attack on the oil tankers in the Gulf?

Two oil tankers were damaged by a suspected water attack between the United Arab Emirates and Iran on their way to leave the Gulf, the second such incident in four weeks. Of course, the incident raises questions about who is the beneficiary.

The finger will certainly go to Iran. However, reality shows that the risks outweigh the potential gains of the Persian state as a result of the incident. Even if Tehran is not responsible, it will suffer.

The Bloomberg agency is asking who is benefiting from the attack. Iran´s attack on tankers leaving the Gulf, directly or through agents, sends a message that moving through the busiest spot of global oil flows will not be safe without its consent.

Other countries in the region will also suffer from the cost of unrest on their oil exports, and the United States and its allies will have to cope with rising crude prices and supply disruptions, "she said.

However, the agency pointed out that "another group will benefit from the incident - people who want to see the United States as it escalates its campaign against Iran and moves from economic war to military war," noting that "many of them, in the United States, and its allies in the Gulf, And the wider Middle East region. "