White House official: Going to work is scary

White House official: Going to work is scary

The White House economic advisor, Kevin Hassett, said today, Sunday, that the trend towards crowded work conditions in the white wing of the White House is now frightening after many workers were infected with the Corona virus (Covid19-).

"Going to work is scary," Hassett said on US CBS television. "I would be safer if I was sitting at home compared to going to the western wing, but ... it is time for people to come forward and serve their country."

Hassett´s statement came amid growing concerns about the working conditions of senior officials in the White House after it was confirmed that two people were wounded, one of whom is the vice president´s spokeswoman.

Three members of the Trump administration´s Corona Virus Action Team have self-isolated.

Anthony Fauchi, the chief infectious disease expert in the United States, told CNN news that he would enter a "modified" quarantine as a precaution after a staff member was injured in Corona.

Hassett added that White House officials were "fortunate" to have the "best medical team on earth to help protect us."