Weekly Settlement Report: Israeli Occupation Plans to Demolish Sur Baher Homes and Build a Settlement in Qalqiliya Governorate

Weekly Settlement Report: Israeli Occupation Plans to Demolish Sur Baher Homes and Build a Settlement in Qalqiliya Governorate

The Israeli occupation authorities continue their policy of ethnic cleansing, especially in the city of Jerusalem and its environs, ignoring all warnings issued by the United Nations and human rights organizations in the international community and insisting on committing a new crime against the Palestinian people. The Israeli occupation forces stormed the Wadi al-Homs neighborhood in the village of Sur Baher, south of Jerusalem, at the end of the week to take measurements of residential buildings threatened with demolition for the second time, under the pretext of proximity to the Apartheid Wall. That it is contrary to international law.

The humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, Jimmy McGoldrick, UNRWA´s West Bank director for UNRWA, Guin Lewis, and the head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, James Henan, called on the occupation authorities to stop the demolition plans in Sur Baher. And the implementation of fair planning policies that enable Palestinian residents of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to meet their housing and development needs, in line with their obligations as the occupying Power.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael Link, warned that Israel´s lack of accountability encourages it to annex more Palestinian land. The United Nations has repeatedly stressed the illegality of Israel´s annexation of East Jerusalem, the illegality of Israeli settlements and Israel´s violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people In violation of international covenants and conventions over a period of 52 years, which constitutes an affront to modern international law, as he put it.

European Union missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah considered the Israeli policy of demolishing houses, displacing and expelling the Palestinian population.

Israel plans to demolish Palestinian homes, announced plans to build a settlement town on the lands of Zawiya and Azzun Atmeh. The Israeli authorities have decided to build a new settlement city in the West Bank, south of Qalqilya. The Israeli official announced the absentees´ The Israeli Minister of Planning for the establishment of a city on the lands of the villages of Zawiya and Azzun Atma on an area of ​​2746 dunums, and linking it to the highways network, pointing out that the plan will begin from the eastern border of the city of Kafr Qasim towards the lands of Azzun Atma in the east, The corner, which means cutting more land and changing the 1967 armistice borders.

Settlers set up a new settlement outpost on the lands of Marah al-Faras, which is threatened with confiscation, east of al-Maleh in the northern Jordan Valley. They began to set up tents and animal pens in the settlement outpost they built in Marah al-Faras. That strategic location.

In addition, tenders were made to extend the airlift to surround the Old City and especially the south of Silwan and Bab Al-Maghrabia, passing through the sky of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the south towards the east, Al-Tur, Bab Al-Rahma cemetery and Bab Al-Asbat. The Jerusalem Development Authority announced a public tender for the provision of photography, display and production services for short films and video clips, and the embodiment of the railway project around the Old City. The settlement project is still in the planning stage within the Municipality Israeli Jerusalem, noting that what was published about the first phase of the project, which will be its beginning (the Ottoman station) in West Jerusalem, and the second tower in "Mount Zion" and the third in the door of the Moroccans is still planning and objection exists.

On the other hand, in a development that violates the privacy of the Palestinian citizen and provides the highest degree of protection for the settler movement, the Israeli security and military services are using a secret application to allow the army to control the West Bank. The application called "Envision" allows the diagnosis of Palestinians´ faces by a network of cameras deployed on the roads of the West Bank. On the pretext that these cameras can monitor the owners of work permits, which will lead to the speed of crossing the barriers. The other project in the West Bank "secret and includes monitoring of the faces outside the barriers, based on a network of cameras in the depth of the West Bank and implemented this project" Belfast is the largest biometrics company in Israel and operates in 43 countries. It is headed by the former security chief of the security service, Amir Keane, and receives advice from former Mossad chief Timur Bordeaux.

To further strengthen the security of settlements and settlers, the Israeli occupation authorities allocate millions of shekels. However, the sums, estimated at 65 million shekels, have not reached most of the time to strengthen "security and settlement building," which has hampered construction projects, according to Israel´s Hebrew daily Haaretz, and because of a dispute between the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of Security, the latter did not transfer funds to the settlements. After a conflict and discussion, part of the sum - NIS 20 million - was transferred to the regional councils, although the Ministry of Security announced at the time that it would transfer the entire amount within a few days. The total budget for security components in the settlements was NIS 85 million 2019.

Netanyahu announced his vision for the future of the occupied West Bank at the 40th anniversary of the founding of the so-called "Samaria Regional Council", while Moshe Ya´alon, one of the leaders of a blue-white party coalition, said his party would implement Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank, Mike Huckby, a close confidant of President Trump and a former governor of Arkansas, revealed that he recently spoke to the president about the possibility of recognizing settlements as part of the State of Israel as these areas are Judea and Samaria, areas of the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. Peace negotiations in the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, recently in an interview with the News Network PBS US that Israel is a victim in its conflict with the Palestinians, as it did not commit any mistakes towards them during the decades of conflict and it is a victim and not a party to take responsibility and expressed his opposition to the use of the term "settlements"