Washington will probably impose "new sanctions" on Iran

Washington will probably impose "new sanctions" on Iran

Washington _ Agencies

Washington may impose new sanctions on Iran after targeting the oil and money sectors, the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said on Friday.

"I think you will see more sanctions over time and a tougher application," Bolton said at a brief press conference in Paris where 70 heads of state are expected to commemorate the centennial of the end of the First World War.

The administration of President Donald Trump, which withdrew in May (May) of the 2015 agreement, which prevents Iran from possessing the atomic bomb, has reinstated all the sanctions lifted after its application.

"" The sanctions had a huge impact on Iran. On the economic level the Iranian currency is at its lowest level and inflation is phenomenal and the country is experiencing a state of stagnation. "

"The goal is still to cut Iranian oil exports," he said. We worked with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other oil-producing countries to verify the increase in production and its impact on customers who buy Iranian oil.

The nuclear deal was signed in Vienna on 14 July (July) 2015 between Iran and the five permanent members of the Security Council (the United States, China, Russia, France and Britain) and Germany.

It allowed Tehran to end its long isolation by lifting a section of international economic sanctions. Iran, on the other hand, has agreed to limit its program to ensure that it does not seek to acquire nuclear weapons.

On 8 May last May, Trump announced the withdrawal of the agreement and the re-imposition of sanctions on Iran.