Washington offers $ 15 million in reward for the arrest of Venezuelan President Maduro

Washington offers $ 15 million in reward for the arrest of Venezuelan President Maduro

The United States offered a reward on Thursday that could amount to 15 million dollars for any information that would allow the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro, who is accused before the American court of "terrorism linked to drug trafficking."

In a statement, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that bonuses worth ten million dollars were offered in exchange for information "that would allow the arrest or conviction" of those close to the Socialist President.

Pompeo´s announcement came as the US Department of Justice announced charges against Maduro and senior members of his government.

"The Venezuelan people deserve a transparent, accountable and broadly representative government that serves the needs of the people and does not betray its confidence by employing officials involved in illicit drug trafficking activities," Pompeo said in a statement.

US officials have claimed that Maduro leads a cocaine-smuggling group called the "Sun Cartel" that includes senior politicians, members of the Venezuelan army and the judiciary.

Justice Minister Bill Barr indicated that they shipped 200 to 250 tons of cocaine out of the country under the protection of the Venezuelan government.