Video documents the abuse of the child Idris during his arrest in Hebron

Video documents the abuse of the child Idris during his arrest in Hebron

A video documented by the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B´Tselem) showed the psychological and physical terror perpetrated by heavily armed Israeli soldiers against 13-year-old Abdul Raziq Idris in the Jabal Jalles neighborhood of Ramallah. Khalil city.

PCHR said in a report on Saturday that what Idris was subjected to was not an exceptional case, but part of the daily routine of violence against Hebron residents by the Israeli occupation forces and settlers, including physical assault, threats, insults, humiliation and repeated house raids. Especially at night, the absurd detention of minors and adults.

PCHR asserted that the Israeli occupation authorities are behind "security" pretexts to justify this "routine" and justify the separation system they apply in the city. About their homes as if of their own free will.

On Sunday, 3 November 2019, they closed our school at approximately 10:00 and sent us all to our homes after the soldiers threw tear gas canisters into and near the school yard. I went to our house with a friend of mine. When I arrived at the entrance to Jabal Jawhar, two soldiers suddenly swooped at me and dragged me into an Israeli enclave. One of the soldiers carried me into the pocket and then blindfolded me. The pocket did not utter a word. One of the soldiers slapped me and kicked me, he was defying In Hebrew and did not understand what he was saying. "

`` The jeep moved and I didn´t know where they were blindfolded. In a painful way, I remained silent because I was scared that the soldier would beat me if I asked him to remove it. A shadow holds me pushing my head towards a Down whenever you try to wear it up, I experienced severe pain in the neck so I tried to lift my head but strongly pressure on my head, I heard the soldiers talking with a woman and a man apparently they tried Tkhalisa from their hands. Then I also heard my father´s voice, which seems to have just arrived, he also tried to rid me of the soldiers´ hands. ”

“The soldiers then took me inside the army camp in Kiryat Arba,” he said. “They put me in a blindfolded room, but I felt there were soldiers there. He spoke to me in Arabic and accused me of throwing stones. I denied that and told him I had done nothing. He asked me about the boys who threw stones and I replied that I did not know anyone and that I was on my way home and did nothing. ”

The child concluded by saying: "Later, the soldier removed the blindfold from my eyes and took me out of the camp. He told me to go from here. I walked on Harika Street until I reached the street leading to the neighborhood of Jabal Jawhar. I met me soon and told me that my father was on my way to me. To the house, my mother was very worried and when she saw me hugged me and my grandmother and started crying, I never did anything and did not throw any stones, I do not understand what the soldiers wanted from me. "

Watch the video here