US Secretary of state will visit North Korea with a new US envoy

US Secretary of state will visit North Korea with a new US envoy

Washington _ Agencies

US Secretary of State Mike Buusin said Thursday that Stephen began had been appointed special envoy to North Korea, who will be visiting with him again next week.

"We will lead the United States policy towards North Korea, and our efforts to reach President Donald Trump´s goal of North Korea´s nuclear disarmament will be final and fully verifiable, as President Kim Jong-un has pledged," he told the press, along with his new envoy, Steve (Stephen) ".

"Stephen and I will go to North Korea next week to make further diplomatic progress towards our goal," the foreign minister said in a brief statement without answering the information questions.

Powell´s fourth visit to North Korea and the second will be after the historic June 12 June Summit in Singapore between US president Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Began, a 55-year-old deputy Director of international Affairs of the automobile manufacturer "Ford", already had a government diplomatic experience after being part of Republican President George W. Bush´s national security team at the beginning of the 20th century.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already done an excellent job of carrying out the pressure campaign against Pyongyang and the organization of the first summit" between the two leaders and "preparing the ground for North Korea to take responsibility for the promises made by President Kim," he said.