U.S. pressure on 9 Arab countries to support Hamas condemnation at UN

U.S. pressure on 9 Arab countries to support Hamas condemnation at UN

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

The US administration is pressing nine Arab countries to support a resolution prepared in agreement with the European Union (EU) to condemn Hamas in the United Nations on Thursday, the Hebrew daily Haaretz reported Wednesday morning.

According to the paper, US special envoy for the Middle East Jason Greenblatt, asked diplomats from the countries of "Morocco-Sultanate of Oman-Bahrain-Jordan-Saudi Arabia-Kuwait-UAE-Egypt-Qatar ", to support the decision, considering that opposing the authority to the proposal is a "hypocrisy " especially that it imposes Sanctions against the Gaza Strip.

"The countries that oppose terrorism and support stability in the region have no problem with this proposal," the paper quoted a US source as saying that in his message to Arab diplomats, Greenblatt said.

The US administration amended the resolution after negotiations with European countries to increase the number of supporters, add a clause on Palestinian reconciliation and the need to re-control the power.

"The decision is important, and any attempt to postpone the vote can lead to its downfall, and Trump expects Arab countries not to join in the obstruction," Greenblatt said in a tweet from days ago.

"The broader strategy of the Trump administration in the Middle East, where the White House wants to make Arab countries, does not automatically adopt the positions of the Palestinian Authority, and be prepared to pressure the Palestinians in certain situations," Ha´aretz quoted a US official as saying.

"The response of the Arab countries to the Greenblatt speech will be an important test for this strategy, given the ongoing preparations for the deployment of the department´s peace plan," he said.

In the same vein, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said he was convinced that the resolution would enjoy broad support from European countries, with a view to halting Hamas activities in Gaza.