US President receives Paulsonaru "Trump Brazil"

US President receives Paulsonaru "Trump Brazil"

 US President Donald Trump will meet with Brazilian President Jaer Paulsonaro on Tuesday at the White House, who has been elected as a candidate after a campaign focused on renouncing "fitness."

The commonalities between the former and the former business man are not limited to their use of Twitter and their provocative style, but their positions are similar on many topics, such as their strong criticism of pluralism, their adoption of an anti-Beijing approach, and their denunciation of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Paulsonaro, known for many titles, notably Trump Brazil, was keen to highlight the similarities between him and Trump during his campaign.

Since coming to power on January 1, he has consistently shown support for the United States contrary to his country´s traditional diplomatic line, which has always been saved to maintain an equal distance from major powers.

On the agenda of this first meeting between Trump and Poulsonaro is a private meeting at the White House, a working lunch and a joint press conference at White House Gardens.

The two presidencies, who are constantly condemning the dangers of socialism in all its forms, are expected to take the occasion to put pressure on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who has been demanding his departure since he recognized his opposition to Juan Guido as transitional president.

When he met Guadio in Brasilia at the end of February, Paulsonaro praised his "brother," whom he called the symbol of "hope."

The visit was an opportunity for Trump to fold a difficult phase in which the Hanoi summit failed with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Congress rejected his plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

In an interview with Fox News on Monday evening, Paulsonaro noted the US president´s plan to build a border wall with Mexico, without providing any evidence that what was happening in France was an example. "The borders are open to refugees without any scrutiny, "He said.

"The overwhelming majority of immigration applicants are not sound," he said. "They do not wish the Americans good."

The US president and president of the largest Latin American force are also expected to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries.

They will also restore Brazil´s decision Monday to allow the United States to launch rockets and spacecraft carrying satellites from the Alcantara space center in southern Brazil.

Alcantara is ideally located because of its proximity to the equator, allowing 30% fuel savings for satellite launches and orbiting.

In contrast, the United States can support Brazil´s accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

On the eve of the meeting, Paulsonaro visited the CIA, in a striking gesture to a foreign head of state.

The visit to the headquarters of the CIA in Washington suburb is a special dimension after the dispute between the two countries following the American wiretapping scandal.

At the end of 2013, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff canceled a state visit to Washington after the press revealed that the US National Security Agency was tapping its own communications.

Does Trump and Poulsonaro agree now, despite their entirely different paths?

The only thing that is certain at the moment is that the positions of the former officer in the Brazilian army during the election campaign have had very positive repercussions in the White House.

A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Paulsonaru "broke all historical taboos."

"He chose to adopt a pro-US position far from any complexity, and he campaigned, declaring that he wanted to be the best friend of the United States and wanted a close relationship with President Trump."

As the meeting progressed, the Brazilian president again showed his admiration for the former property pole.

"We have a lot of things in common," Paulsonaro told the American network, adding: "I´ve always liked him, I´ve been criticized a lot because of that, but I´m not going to hide what I´m thinking.