US House of Representatives summons Energy Secretary to testify in Trump probe

US House of Representatives summons Energy Secretary to testify in Trump probe

US House of Representatives investigators on Saturday summoned Energy Secretary Rick Perry to testify in a House inquiry into impeachment of President Donald Trump.

According to a Bloomberg news agency, an official familiar with the investigation, who did not disclose his identity, that Perry will appear before investigators in the House of Representatives on 6 November.

On Friday, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she expected the House to begin public hearings on the indictment of US President Donald Trump in November.

Pelosi said there was no deadline for the investigation.

"I suppose there will be a public hearing in November," Pelosi said at a roundtable meeting with Bloomberg News editors and reporters, adding that any case being made to dismiss the president "must be fully staffed."

Pelosi´s remarks came a day after the US House of Representatives adopted a resolution on starting an official process to hold public hearings to investigate whether Trump used his position to pressure Ukraine to open a politically motivated probe in exchange for the release of military aid.

Pelosi said secret hearings of witnesses would continue as long as they were "fruitful."