UNRWA does not intend to terminate the agency´s work after the announcement of the deal of the century

UNRWA does not intend to terminate the agency´s work after the announcement of the deal of the century

The official spokesman for UNRWA, Sami Mushasha, confirmed that the agency has no intention to end its work nor to hand over its tasks to any party, and will continue to be on the ground.

In a press statement issued today, Wednesday, he stressed that the UNRWA schools, clinics and other vital services are continuing, and the call to end its work before tackling the root causes of the issue and achieving rights violates the hopes of millions of Palestinian refugees, which is a false call.

He pointed out that the mandate of "UNRWA", which 169 countries voted a month ago to renew for another three years, is "clear", which is a state that does not have this or that state´s denial, and such agreements do not change it, and its authority will always remain the General Assembly of the United Nations in its entirety, and is based on International law and international decisions that guarantee and protect the status and demands of Palestine refugees.

Mushasha reaffirmed that UNRWA services in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza continue without interruption, until a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian refugee issue is found.