United Nations: Most of Yemen´s regions are at risk of starvation

United Nations: Most of Yemen´s regions are at risk of starvation

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Yemen warned on Sunday that the majority of the country´s regions were at risk of starvation.

"There are 230 areas in Yemen, out of 333, at risk of famine," the UN office said in a report obtained by Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

"There are also 10 million Yemenis, who are currently suffering from extreme hunger." "7.4 million Yemenis need services to treat and prevent malnutrition, including 2.3 million people who need treatment for severe malnutrition," the report said.

The UN report warned that Yemenis have become more vulnerable to famine this year than ever before.

"The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) is expanding its reach to reach 12 million people each month in Yemen," he said.

"The plan includes 8.2 million people receiving food aid, 2.8 million commodity vouchers, and one million people receiving money," he said.

On the situation in the province of Hodeidah, the report noted that humanitarian partners continued to provide rapid response to displaced persons due to the conflict, and reached assistance to more than 105 thousand families.

"Food aid has played a crucial role in preventing Yemen from slipping into famine, as the level of response to the growing needs of the conflict escalates and the economic deterioration worsens, which has led to a 66 to 162 percent rise in food prices, the crisis".