UNICEF: Two million Yemeni children are out of school

UNICEF: Two million Yemeni children are out of school

The United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF) reported that two million Yemeni children are out of school in their country, stressing that their return to education is "very limited".

UNICEF said in a tweet on Monday that one in five schools had been damaged, destroyed or used as a shelter or for military purposes in Yemen.

The World Organization announced that the European Union had contributed 10 million euros in support of two new FAO projects in Yemen.

In light of the pledging conference on Yemen to be held in Geneva on 26 February (Tuesday), the European Union has recently contributed an additional € 10 million to UNICEF´s humanitarian response in Yemen.

The statement said the amount would be allocated to support two new nutrition, water and sanitation projects throughout Yemen.

The United Nations has launched a humanitarian appeal to donor countries and institutions to raise $ 4 billion to meet Yemen´s humanitarian needs for 2019.

For more than four years, Yemen has been waging a war between government forces and Houthi militants, who have been dominant since September 2014, in provinces including the capital, Sanaa.

The Yemeni conflict has regional extensions. Since March 2015, an Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia has been conducting military operations in Yemen in support of government forces against the Houthis, accused of receiving Iranian support.

Half of Yemen´s population, about 14 million people, is facing imminent famine, with more than 22 million people in need of humanitarian aid, according to the United Nations.