UNICEF requests $ 2.5 billion to help 39 million children in the Middle East

UNICEF requests $ 2.5 billion to help 39 million children in the Middle East

The United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF) on Monday launched an appeal for $ 2.5 billion in funding to provide life-saving aid to 39 million children in the Middle East and North Africa.

According to a statement received by AFP, "UNICEF launched an appeal for emergency funding in a record amount of $ 2.5 billion."

The organization explained that the funds will be used "to respond to the needs of 39 million children in the Middle East and North Africa region by providing them with life-saving assistance during the year 2021."

It indicated that the amount requested includes "an increase of about 500 million US dollars to continue the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, amid a significant increase in the number of cases across the region."

According to the statement, the largest share of this appeal will be for the crises in Yemen, which is witnessing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world currently as a result of the ongoing war since 2014, and Syria, in which the conflict has resulted in the deaths of more than 380 thousand people since 2011, and Sudan, which is facing a severe and severe economic crisis. Humanity as a result of the influx of tens of thousands of refugees from Ethiopia.

According to the organization, 4.8 million children in Syria need assistance, while there are 2.5 million Syrian refugee children in neighboring countries.

In Yemen, 12 million children need help in a war-torn country, and in Sudan, 5.3 million children face many challenges.

UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Ted Chaiban said, "This appeal aims to deliver essential humanitarian aid to children and to continue responding to the enormous needs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic."

"We hear about fatigue from financing long-term crises, as is the case in Yemen and Syria. The solution to these conflicts can only be achieved through the political track and the diplomatic process," he added.

"Until that happens and a solution is found, the world cannot turn a blind eye to the needs of children affected by one of the most horrific conflicts in recent history," he stressed.

The bulk of the appeal funds will be allocated to children´s education, providing water and sanitation, health, nutrition and psychosocial support.