Turkey calls on the world to respect the "historical and legal" status of Jerusalem

Turkey calls on the world to respect the "historical and legal" status of Jerusalem

Turkey on Monday called on all countries to respect the historic and legal status of Jerusalem, against the backdrop of statements by leaders of some countries about the transfer of their embassies in Israel to the occupied city.

Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Aksoi said in a statement released today.

At the beginning of the statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry expressed its concern that the leaders of some countries participating in the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) made "irresponsible" statements about the transfer of their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem .

The statement stressed that the transfer of any country to its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would be a clear violation of international law.

He noted that Israel´s control over Jerusalem was rejected by the international community and the United Nations.

On Sunday, Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dansila announced that her government had decided to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

On the same day, Honduran President Juan Fernando Hernández said that his country would immediately open its official diplomatic mission in Jerusalem.

"It has been repeatedly emphasized through various UN resolutions that the Palestinian issue can only be resolved through the existence of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of the 1967 borders."

It called on all States to comply with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, respect the historic and legal status of Jerusalem, and refrain from steps that would increase instability in the region.

On Sunday, the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is one of the most effective lobbying organizations in Israel, started in the United States.

The United States and Guatemala formally moved their territories from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May.

The opening of the US embassy in implementation of the Trump Declaration in January 2018, considering Jerusalem in both east and west as the capital of Israel, and begin to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to the occupied city.

This condemned in international criticism of the American move, and the Palestinian leadership cut off its contacts with Washington.