Trump´s attorney confirms the president´s refusal to appear before detective Mueller: "This will only happen to my body."

Trump´s attorney confirms the president´s refusal to appear before detective Mueller:  "This will only happen to my body."

Washington _ Agencies

The latter will totally refuse to appear before special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is tasked with investigating the possibility of a certain coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign team during the last presidential election, said Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for US president Donald Trump.

"This will only happen to my body," Giuliani said in an interview with Fox News in response to a question about the prospect of Trump agreeing to appear before the special prosecutor.

The Trump area is strongly criticizing the investigation by special prosecutor Mueller and questioning its legitimacy.

Trump had answered last month in writing about Mueller´s office questions, and it was not yet known whether he had a personal appearance before him.

During the last spring, Giuliani said that it might be possible to listen to his client Trump in the event of a "no trap".

Since that time, the judiciary has sentenced a number of those close to Trump, including his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The latter´s debt was to organise the payment of 280,000 dollars to two former mistress of Trump in 2016, to ensure their silence ahead of the last presidential election.

Cohen said Trump was "ordered to pay this money", which violates the campaign financing laws.

The US president has always stressed that he has no relationship with these two women.