Trump threatens to shut down the US government at the end of this month

Trump threatens to shut down the US government at the end of this month

Washington _ Agencies

US President Donald Trump threatened to shut down the government at the end of the month, days after he indicated he wanted to avoid such a move.

"If that happens, it´s about border security, I´m willing to do anything," Trump said.

Trump discussed the issue of spending with congressional leaders, who hoped to dissuade Trump from considering the closure before the midterm elections in November.

Trump had threatened to shut down the government earlier if Congress failed to fund the proposed border fence with Mexico, but he retracted the threat in recent days to return back to the ultimatum.

"I don´t see myself or anyone else wanting to close the country," Trump said in an interview with the Daily Kohler newspaper, saying he doesn´t like the idea of closure.

Trump´s remarks came just hours after the budget director, Mick Mulvani, went to Captol Hill to personally confirm to lawmakers in the conservative Republican Studies Commission that Trump did not want to close the government.

Mulvani told members of the House of Representatives that he had advised Trump that the closure might be a bad idea.