Trump officially launches its campaign for the presidency of 2020

Trump officially launches its campaign for the presidency of 2020

US President Donald Trump has officially launched his campaign for a second term in the US presidential election due in 2020.

"Tonight I stand before you to officially launch my second term as President of the United States," Trump said in a speech at a rally at the Orlando, Florida state center, Tuesday. "I never let you down."

During his two-hour address, President Trump addressed a number of domestic issues he thought to address during his presidency in the last two years, such as unemployment, health care and the border wall with Mexico.

He also spoke about the economic achievements of his administration, especially the imposition of import tariffs and the new economic agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

"We are drawing a path to peace and stability in the Middle East because great nations do not want to enter into endless wars," President Trump said.

"We will continue to win one by one," he said, pledging that joint action would "bring wealth and greatness back to the United States."

All recent opinion polls indicate that Trump could easily be defeated in the upcoming elections, but calling the 2016 experience pays for distrust of those polls.

It is too early to judge the polls, especially with the start of the conflict within the Democratic Party, and not knowing who Trump will win in the White House in 2020.