Trump is waving the postponement of the US presidential elections because of Corona

Trump is waving the postponement of the US presidential elections because of Corona

 US President Donald Trump expressed Thursday his strong opposition to the postal voting in the upcoming presidential elections, suggesting the possibility of postponing the elections against the background of the Corona virus pandemic.

In a series of tweets he posted on his Twitter account, Trump warned that voting by mail seems even a "catastrophic catastrophe" stage, adding: "Democrats are talking about a foreign influence on voting, but they know that voting by mail is an easy way for countries Foreigner to interfere in the electoral race, and even moreover, there is no accurate count! ".

Trump defended his handling of the Corona pandemic, which has killed more than 150,000 Americans to date, holding the media responsible for covering up the "Chinese virus" outbreak in other countries, "some of which are currently experiencing a disaster", adding that many countries´ statistics on the spread of infection in Its territory lacks precision.

He said: "The general vote by mail (and not the absence in absentia, which is a good thing) in 2020 will lead to less accurate and more fraudulent elections in history, and will embarrass the United States greatly."

Trump continued, questioning the possibility of "delaying the elections unless people can vote in an appropriate, safe and reliable manner."

The American elections were not later than the date since the adoption of the constitution and the election of George Washington in November 1788. The elections were held in the midst of the civil war in November 1864, when the sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected for a second session, and he was assassinated a few weeks after his inauguration for a second session on 4. March 1865 by one of the white racists.

In turn, Ellen Wintrop, a member of the US Federal Election Commission, confirmed that President Donald Trump does not have powers to postpone the presidential election scheduled for November 3, and that "it should not be postponed."

In response to Trump´s talk about the possibility of postponing the elections against the backdrop of the Corona Virus pandemic, the commissioner wrote on Twitter: “No, Mr. President. No. You do not have the authority to change the date of the elections. It should not be done. Holding safe, reliable elections that all Americans want. Why not work on it? "

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi commented on Trump´s proposal to postpone the elections until they are held "in an appropriate, safe and reliable manner." Pelosi, in a Tweet on Twitter, cited a clause of the constitution indicating that the postponement of major elections is decided by Congress.

She wrote on her account: "Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution states that: Congress can specify the time for electing the electorate, and the day they vote, that the same day be in all parts of the United States."

Trump did not provide any evidence to prove his words about the high risk of tampering with the election results in the event of a mail vote.

Trump last April denied that he had any intention to delay the elections, describing the third of last November as a "good date."

Trump´s rival in the upcoming elections, Democrat Joe Biden, has warned that the current president will try to delay the election date in an attempt to preserve the reins of government.