Trump is "extremely angry" at the performance of his defense team on the first day of the governor

Trump is "extremely angry" at the performance of his defense team on the first day of the governor

The American "Fox News" network revealed late on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump was "angry" and "extremely angry." Because of his defense team´s performance on the first day of his second Senate trial, although his acquittal is almost certain.

"Fox News" attributed to sources "spending some time with Trump", that he was very angry, especially at the efforts made by his lawyer, "Bruce Castor" so far. "Trump believes Castor made a confused opening argument, which lasted 45 minutes and was widely booed and publicized on social media after (Castro) praised Democratic impeachment directors from the House of Representatives for their good work," they said.

Castor said at one point: "The American people just spoke and changed departments. The public is smart enough to choose a new administration if they don´t like the old one, and they just did so by electing Joe Biden as president," prompting the Associated Press to release the title Al-Raisi said: "Trump never admitted losing the election, but his defense lawyer did."

Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, who is one of Trump´s staunchest supporters, said, "Representative Jimmy Raskin (from Maryland), the chief accountability director, was impressive and a serious lawyer, while Trump´s team was confused and misperforming."

According to the network, Trump watched the measures from his residence in the "Mar-a-Lago" resort, in Palm Beach, Florida, and the "Associated Press", citing an unnamed source, said, "Trump himself liked the opening video from the Democrats."

CNN quoted two unnamed sources as saying that Trump himself was on the verge of screaming while listening to his lawyer.

At the conclusion of the first day of former President Trump´s trial before the Senate, Democrats and Republicans agreed (Tuesday evening) on ​​one thing, which is that the performance of his lawyer, Bruce Castor, was sub-par, as Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas and one of Trump´s most important supporters described him, "This Lawyer (Castro) spoke without saying anything, "while Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski expressed her" shock "at the lawyer´s performance, and said:" I did not understand where he wanted to reach! "

It is noteworthy that Castor (59 years), who was for a long time the attorney general of a county in Pennsylvania, joined the defense team of the former president at the last minute after five lawyers resigned from performing this task.

The first sessions of Trump´s trial were held on Tuesday, and Bruce Castro was the first to take the stage from Trump´s legal team to defend the former president, but his pleading was full of countless digressions and falsities, as he did not hesitate to describe the senators as "extraordinary people" and that they are A "place of pride" for their voters, as he lavished his listeners with vague metaphors such as "the gates of the dams will open" and "the pendulum of the political clock" ... and upon their exit from the Senate hall, the Democrats did not hesitate to ridicule the introductory argument of the lawyer.

"I´m going to re-read the text to see if I can find one coherent paragraph," said Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut.

However, apparently, all of these criticisms did not undermine Castor´s self-confidence, as he told reporters: "Today was good," and "he will not change anything" in his style during the coming sessions.

The Senate is trying former President Donald Trump for "inciting rebellion" due to the bloody attack by a crowd of his supporters on the Capitol on January 6.

Experts believe that the outcome of the trial is settled in advance in favor of acquitting the accused, as the conviction of the former president requires a two-thirds majority, which seems almost impossible to happen in light of a bipartisan Congress, although some Republicans may vote with Democrats (to convict Trump), but It is very difficult to reach the required number (67 senators), or to defect by 17 Republicans to condemn Trump.