Trump gives the green light to Biden´s move to the White House

Trump gives the green light to Biden´s move to the White House

US President-elect Joe Biden, on Monday, got the green light from the General Services Administration to start his move to the White House shortly after he was declared a winner in Michigan, while US President Donald Trump said that he He recommended it in the interest of the country, 20 days after the elections.

However, experts considered Trump´s letting go as an admission of his defeat in the last elections and the victory of Biden, something President Trump still refuses to do officially.

The US General Services Administration (GSA), an independent department, informed President-elect Biden that the transition could officially begin, as White House sources reported that Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, received a copy of the Service Administration letter. The public to Biden informing him that he can start the transition.

Later, US President Donald Trump said, in a tweet, that despite his belief in victory, for the sake of the United States, he recommended Director of Public Services Emily Murphy and her team to do what is necessary with regard to the initial protocols, referring to his admission of defeat in the elections, and the start of procedures for the transfer of power For the president-elect, he added that he told his team to do the same.

But Head of Public Services, Emily Murphy, said that starting the presidential transition to Joe Biden was her own decision. Murphy denied that she was subjected to pressure about the decision or its timing, neither from the White House nor from the General Services Administration, as she put it.

Transition Team Executive Director Joe Biden and Kamala Harris issued a statement describing the GSD´s decision as a critical administrative procedure for the formal initiation of the transition process. He explained that officials in the transition team will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the response to the pandemic, and to have full access to the national security files.

The Michigan State Council - which includes 30 members - approved Joe Biden´s victory in the state´s presidential elections after a meeting that lasted for several hours, giving Biden - according to state law - the 16 electoral college votes in the state.

In turn, President-elect Joe Biden revealed a group of the names of his team members, and said in a tweet to him, "It is time to restore the American leadership and I am confident in the team I chose to achieve this." He announced these names before the deadline Tuesday, in a step that reflects his endeavor to calm the political clamor in Washington.

The president-elect said, "These individuals have experienced crises, their test as much as they are creative and creative."

On Monday, Biden chose veteran politician Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State, and decided to entrust the National Intelligence Administration to Avril Haynes, 51, for the first time in the country´s history, and appointed former Secretary of State John Kerry as a special presidential envoy for climate affairs, pledging to adopt an approach based on experiences After years of turmoil that overshadowed the era of outgoing President Donald Trump.

At the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Biden named for the first time the Spanish-born Alejandro Mayorcas (60 years), born in Havana, who will especially oversee immigration issues.

African American Linda Thomas Greenfield (68 years), who held the position of Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, will be an ambassador to the United Nations, and he also named a close advisor, Jake Sullivan (43 years), to be his national security advisor.

Joe Biden intends to name the former head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, as Secretary of the Treasury, according to US media quoting a source close to the US President-elect´s team.

The US President-elect Biden also chose an American of Palestinian origin to be among his staff at the White House.

The Biden campaign team said in an official statement that Rima Dudin, a lawyer who is currently volunteering with the Biden campaign transition team, will assume the position of deputy director of the White House´s Office of Legislative Affairs.