Trump defends use of tear gas against asylum seekers

Trump defends use of tear gas against asylum seekers

Washington _ Agencies

US president Donald Trump on Tuesday defended the use of teargas against a crowd of asylum seekers seeking to migrate to the United States, including children, while trying to cross the border between the United States and Mexico on Sunday.

The border guards were forced to work because they were "raided by some very ruthless people," Trump said, while critics accused him of arbitrary retaliation.

Mexico also called on the United States to investigate its use of tear gas. Mexico states that it deported approximately 100 migrants who tried to enter the United States.

The standoff erupted on Sunday after the exodus of immigrants in the Mexican border town with the United States  "Tijuana " was out of control, as hundreds of migrants tried to penetrate the barriers separating Mexico from the United States.

Rodney Scott, a U.S. border police official with Mexico, told CNN that 42 migrants were arrested on the US side of the border with Mexico while trying to force the US into the United States. "Forty-two people crossed the border and were arrested," the official said. To be honest, other people managed to cross the border without being arrested. "

The arrested migrants, mostly men, are a group of about 500 people who tried to cross the border from the Mexican city of Tijuana before being intercepted by US security forces.

The US president has been heavily criticized for his constant threat to asylum seekers and the use of the immigration issue for personal political gain.

"The president´s focus on immigration and border security--issues that appeal to his electoral base--aims to ward off the important issues that the president should talk about, especially his rejection of the US government´s report last Friday, saying that climate change is real – and that It is damaging to all the countries and the world, as some accuse him that the White House was hoping to obscure the report by launching it the day after Thanksgiving instead of next month, getting a spotlight, and when it didn´t work, "Trump used the cold wave that hit the country early this week to confirm Again, global warming is just a hoax, and later explicitly said that it is unbelievable the results of his management  "according to a report in the Washington Post.

Others believe that President Trump does not want to look at the real crisis that exploded last Sunday, when the serious military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine escalated, producing frightening news headlines about World War III. And, as a matter of habit, Trump did not publish any comment on his favorite Twitter-about it, and chose again instead of

A growing group of European leaders have expressed concern over Russia´s escalating western tension and the continued ambiguity of the US stance on future moves.


Five heads of international aid groups on Monday urged the United States to stop its military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, where years of conflict and the intractable Saudi blockade have put 14 million Yemenis on the brink of famine, according to the groups. "We have no means to prevent the catastrophe in Yemen," he warned in a joint statement. No humanitarian effort can prevent mass starvation if the war is not over immediately and urgent efforts are made to ensure that food, fuel and other vital supplies reach those most in need. "

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that these issues are urgent international issues, all of which the United States can play an important role, "but Trump, as always, does not mobilize in the art of governance. In the face of a decline in its support and a growing number of controversial allegations, he chose to cling to his position and continue repeating the same injustices and nationalist discourse that brought him to power, "accusing the president of not putting the national interest of the United States above any other consideration, and that ignoring it would bring about a vital and worsening crisis Bring damage to the country.

On the level of climate change rejected by President Trump, experts fear that the actual climate policies pursued by the Trump administration will make things worse.

At the Yemeni level, many argue that Trump did not say much about the most dangerous humanitarian crisis in the world, and instead sought to defend one of the most prominent warlords, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite international censure.

In a statement issued last week by Trump, entitled "Standing with Saudi Arabia ", he referred to Yemen only as an agency conflict zone between Saudi Arabia and Iran, while Trump did not mention the humanitarian catastrophes unfolding there, and Trump highlighted Saudi oil production and purchases from U.S. weapons as reasons for not punishing the Crown prince and his alleged role in the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi  ".