Trump: China´s trade talks "constructive" and will continue

Trump: China´s trade talks "constructive" and will continue

The United States and China held frank and constructive talks on Thursday and Friday on trade relations between the two countries, US President Donald Trump said.

"The relationship between me and the (Chinese) president Shi is still very strong, and our talks on the future will continue," Trump said in a message from Twitter.

"At the same time, a fee has been imposed in the United States on China, the possibility of raising or continuing it depends on what will happen in future negotiations," Trump was quoted as saying by the Bloomberg news agency.

US and Chinese officials wrapped up their last trade talks after a brief meeting in Washington on Friday without agreement, hours after a new increase in US tariffs on a $ 200 billion US import of Chinese goods came into effect.

Fox News reported that the US delegation headed by Trade Representative Robert Lightzer and Treasury Secretary Stephen Munchin left the meeting and headed to the White House to meet with President Donald Trump.