TRUMP: Biden only won in the eyes of the fake media, and I admit nothing

TRUMP: Biden only won in the eyes of the fake media, and I admit nothing

US President Donald Trump said on Sunday that his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, "won only in the eyes of the fake media," stressing that there is still a long way to go and that he does not admit anything.

Trump had tweeted earlier today that Biden had won the presidential election, but he attributed his loss to "fraud."

Trump wrote on his Twitter account: "He (Biden) won because the elections were rigged. No voting observers or supervisors were allowed, the vote was scheduled by a privately owned company of the radical left, Dominion, with a bad reputation and equipment that could not qualify even for Texas, which I won so much." .

Trump´s tweet came as a comment on a TV report by the American "Fox News" channel, in which the broadcaster asked how Biden won the election.

Trump also attributed his loss to "a lot of false and silent media."

On Friday, Biden strengthened his victory in the elections by winning the state of Georgia (16 votes), bringing the number of votes he got from the electoral college to 306.

Trump now stands at 232 votes, after Biden won 5 states known to support the Republicans previously, which are all of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan in addition to Wisconsin.