Trump astonishes Americans by asking Georgia to turn the election in his favor

Trump astonishes Americans by asking Georgia to turn the election in his favor

In an unusual precedent of abuse of force for personal matters, US President Donald Trump called on the Secretary-General of Georgia State Brad Reifensberger to "find" sufficient votes to reverse the results of the presidential elections that are in the interest of his democratic opponent The national team, Joe Biden, according to a recorded call that lasted for a full hour, Saturday, reported by the "Washington Post" and broadcast by "CNN" on Sunday, which left the Americans in a state of astonishment.

And the state of Georgia has approved Biden winning by 11,779 votes, and it has counted the votes three times to confirm that the result is in favor of the president-elect, and the state has 16 votes in the electoral college, where candidates in the presidential elections must obtain 270 votes, and Biden won Biden voted 306 to Trump´s 232.

In the call, Trump said: "All I want you to do is the following. You have to find 11,780 votes, which is more than we actually got, because we won the state," according to the tape you listened to "Jerusalem."

Trump stressed his victory in Georgia, saying: "It is impossible for me to have lost Georgia ... We have won hundreds of thousands of votes," adding that "the people of Georgia feel anger, the people of the country feel anger."

During the conversation, Trump could be heard trying to persuade the Republican official of the need to change the results and warned him not to take a "big risk," while Riefensberger rejected the US President’s assessment of the conduct of the elections, and said that the US President relies on unfounded theories, stressing that Biden’s victory is by 11,779 votes. In the state it is considered fair and accurate, according to the newspaper.

Until the moment this report was published, there was no comment from the White House, and the administration referred questions related to this call to Trump´s presidential campaign, according to The Associated Press, which tried to contact the campaign or the Riefensberger office without a response.

Bob Boyer, the principal advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said the recording was "conclusive evidence" of Trump´s pressure on an official from his party to "nullify the fair and valid vote count and fabricate a vote in its place."

He added that the call "records all the shameful story about Donald Trump´s assault on American democracy."

The call is the latest step by Trump in an effort that extended over two months to challenge the results of the elections that took place on November 3 and declared Biden winning, under the pretext of "fraud" in the elections and "not counting" the votes of Republicans in favor of Trump, while officials denied The level of the states and the federal government of any tampering assures the integrity of the electoral process.

The US President has launched a judicial campaign since Biden was declared winning the presidency, which is scheduled to take office on January 20 at a time when the Republican majority leader, Mitch McConnell, supported the Democratic president-elect´s victory.

Trump lost 48 cases that he filed to overturn the elections, including before the Supreme Court, and he lost all of them because there was no evidence of electoral fraud.

It is noteworthy that the ratification of the President-elect in Congress will take place on January 6, 2021, a tradition that was in the past a routine matter that takes a few minutes, but this time it is expected to continue for several hours of speeches and quirks from Trump supporters aiming to disrupt the process, due to the declaration of 140 members Republicans from the House of Representatives that they and 12 members of the Senate will object to the confirmation of Biden as president.

But no one expects the protesters to succeed, as Biden is sure to prove president.