Top experts: It is certain that “Covid-19” originated from an animal and did not leak from a laboratory

Top experts: It is certain that “Covid-19” originated from an animal and did not leak from a laboratory

CNN reported Wednesday, citing top experts, that it is almost certain that the COVID-19 pandemic originated from an animal and did not leak from a lab.

In a report published under the title "The Origins of SARS-Cove 2: A Critical Review," a group of 20 researchers from the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and other countries indicated that the theories of the virus leaking from a laboratory are almost all based on chance and there is no conclusive evidence for them.

"I think it´s possible to make a very strong argument that there was no lab leak," said Robert Gary, professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane University School of Medicine.

The experts wrote that "there is no evidence at this time that the (SARS-CoV-2) virus originated in a laboratory."