Top Catholic Cardinal Loses ´Sexual Assault´ Case

Top Catholic Cardinal Loses ´Sexual Assault´ Case

A senior Australian cardinal, George Bell, has failed to overturn his sentencing for a sexual assault in 1990.

The cardinal was jailed in March of this year, after the Australian court sentenced him to six years in prison, for carrying out a sexual assault against two boys, in a cathedral in Melbourne, in 1990.

Cardinal Bell tried to appeal the decision, but the Court of Appeal rejected his claim that the verdict was not fair, prompting the accused to bring the case to the Australian Supreme Court.

The Catholic cardinal defied the verdict, saying it was "illogical" and that there was insufficient evidence to convict him of sexual assault against the two 13-year-old boys, while the judiciary confirmed that the jury´s decision was not biased.

Bill´s conviction shook the Catholic Church, being one of the Pope´s closest advisers, and the cleric would be eligible for parole by October 2022.