Tlaib taking the oath in Congress in Palestinian dress

Tlaib taking the oath in Congress in Palestinian dress

 American Democratic Congressman of Palestinian origin, Rashida Talib, appeared in traditional Palestinian dress as she was swearing in on the Qur’an for the second time in the US House of Representatives last Sunday.

Tlaib wrote on Twitter and Facebook: “My parents came from Palestine for a better life in the United States, and at the age of ten, my father managed to get a job as a worker at Ford Motor Company and his education was for fourth grade only, and my mother did not complete Except for the eighth grade, due to her forced to leave school and contribute to the support of the family.

Tlaib won a second round despite the millions put in place by the pro-Israel lobby and Sheldon Adelson, the financier close to both US President Donald Trump and a friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he spent to bring her down.

Talib (from Michigan) is a founding member of the so-called "team" made up of progressive MPs in the Democratic Party along with Somali Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Alexandra Okasio Cortez (New York), Corey Bush (Missouri) and Jamal Bowman (New York) ) And Arianna Presley (Massachusetts) who are considered radicals by the traditional establishment in the party because of their open support for the Palestinian cause and the public support for the Boycott of Israel movement.

It is noteworthy that Netanyahu, at the request of Trump, prevented Tlaib and Omar from entering the occupied West Bank in August of 2019.