Three million British sign petition to cancel the "Breakst"

Three million British sign petition to cancel the "Breakst"

The number of signatures to a British petition demanding the government to repeal Article 50 of the English constitution governing the UK´s exit from the European Union (BRICCAST) has reached 3 million on Friday.

The official website of the government collapsed on Thursday morning, with the petition receiving the largest number of signatures ever, according to the official petitions committee of the British parliament.

Many celebrities and members of the parliament chanted in favor of the petition, which is currently the third most popular on the website of parliament.

"A big and important issue, such as Britain´s exit from the European Union, should not be undermined by petitions," written by Nicolas Starken, the first secretary in Scotland. "If you are frustrated that (the prime minister) is not listening, you can sign here."

The Downing Street government office said Tayrze would likely ignore the petition, saying it would "not support the repeal of Article 50."

"If the petition receives more than 17.4 million signatures, there will be a very clear demand to take a step," Andrea Ledsum, the state affairs secretary of the House of Commons, told parliamentarians on Thursday.

Ledesum referred to the 17.1 million voters, or 52 percent of the British voters, who voted for Breakest in the 2016 referendum.