Three boys were wounded by Israeli bullets in northern Jenin

Three boys were wounded by Israeli bullets in northern Jenin

Tonight, three boys from Jenin camp were wounded by bullets from the Israeli occupation forces, and one of them was critically wounded.

An eyewitness told the Palestinian Press that the boys were passing by a local vehicle on the bypass road north of Jenin. They were surprised by the exit of a force of soldiers from among the trees, where they were setting up an ambush, and started shooting at the vehicle, hitting him, but the driver managed to control the vehicle and fled towards Martyr Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital in the city.

Doctors in the emergency room described the condition of the wounded, Muhammad Ahmad Musa Halajiya (15 years), as critical. The bullet penetrated the back from the left side, and settled inside, and he was transferred to Al-Najah Hospital in Nablus.

Doctors said the condition of the other injured was slight.